In-house software development: GMS gets the most out of your display

What if the supposedly perfect device turns out to be a disappointment? A sophisticated design, perfect display quality and a powerful processor are no guarantee of an optimal user experience. Because if the software is poorly tuned, hitches and produces errors, the device is almost unusable.


“We advise our customers in advance with a trained eye on the device software and also test the software quality so that they never have to go through this experience,” says GMS Managing Director Herbert Weiss. “At the customer’s request, we can also make software adjustments depending on the display, so that exactly the information that is required is displayed. This also includes graphic adaptations that we can embed depending on the template – for example in the corporate design. In the end, our customers can work with a display that is stable, secure and runs smoothly – and is perfectly tailored to their requirements,” says Herbert Weiss.


Internal and external specialist knowledge

To customize the application software or the user interface, GMS uses the expertise of its own team and also works with qualified and long-standing partners and service providers.


Profound programming skills in C, C++, C#, Java and Python as well as the development of software for device drivers such as GPIO, UART and I2C using communication protocols such as CAN, SPI, I2C and Ethernet are used to cover a wide range of customer requirements


Customization vs. suitable standard solution

The display specialists from Villingen-Schwenningen are therefore able to develop and implement customized software solutions. However, GMS also recommends the optimum standard software when it comes to implementing the respective requirements with a cost-efficient solution.


“Our more than thirty years of experience and reliable work with our partners pay off particularly well for our customers. We know all the strengths and weaknesses
strengths and weaknesses of the respective software applications because we have been with them from the very beginning. This shows that if you want stable systems, you should work with stable and qualified partners,” says Herbert Weiss.


Our software services in a nutshell:

  • Design and implementation of software for display systems based on customer-specific requirements.
  • Development of software for device drivers:
    • GPIO
    • UART
    • I2C
  • Development of software using communication protocols:
      • CAN
      • SPI
      • I2C
      • Ethernet
  • Software language skills:
      • C,
      • C++,
      • C#,
      • Java,
      • Python.
  • Programming tools:
    • STM32-Developer tools
    • ARM Keil Tools
    • Various IDEs, e.g. Eclipse, Android Studio, Visual Studio Code.
  • Support for software quality assurance and optimization of I/O performance.
  • Integration and validation of new product designs.
  • Support for post-processing.